

Greco-Roman mythology meets Battlestar Galactica meets Justice League America.

The Celestian Knights are doomed!

And they know it. Long ago, the Celestians, the Fifth Peoples created after the mythical Peoples of Matter, Time, Psyche, and Energy brought forth the greatest of heroes: The Celestian Knights. Now, Millennius, Destina, Hyphon, Alphatronius, Elysius, Spheron, Ultra Ari, Acirrius, Iria, Phasia, Sola Venga, and Auron face their greatest fears when a traitor in their midst unleashes their most evil of once-defeated enemies, the Lore, against them. Prophesised to be the last of their kind, the Celestian Knights succumb to pride in their fight for survival. But the consequences of their actions to forestall their end and defy the Universal gods have deep and tragic ramifications for their children: The Starguards.

A generation on, Novan, leader of the Starguards contemplates the future of the Celestians on new worlds full of hope. Others secretly plot for control. As the terrifying Lore return to haunt them, what will be the fate of Aerl, Altair, Decion, Alpha Rion, Astara, Cirrius, and Urana as they become unwilling pawns in war? And in their darkest hour, what role will Deb, a lowly Sky Warrior, play in their survival? Forces gather in the darkness to watch the end of the Starguards, but just as victory is at hand, the Starguards disappear.

Kin of the Starguards are discovered on faraway Earth, though they know nothing of their long, heroic heritage. Immortalised on the tragic fields of Troy, the Astrals find their new powers as time-travelling warriors unsettling as they are reluctantly dragged into intergalactic battles on distant worlds and throughout time. The Astrals: Lord Aeon, Netherlord, Archron, Helexius, Timechantress, Celestra, and Lightstream, split along family affiliations and battle lines are drawn. But, will they be friend or foe to the Starguards?

In Earth’s war-torn 23rd century, the enigmatic Lynn Kellis and war hero Xaul Relentus, gather together a motley group of superbeings, the Multiforce, to defend Earth against the Axalan Empire and their own superpowered beings, the Superions, who harbour a deep-seated hatred of Earth. The alien Bion, Chryrians, and Surge influence on and by the Human race are also discovered. As the deep-space war draws to a surprising end, Kellis finds herself falling for four-thousand-year-old Aaron, an alien-merged psychokinetic rescued from near death on the ancient Saharan plains by Aristedes the Astral; the last thing she needs. But as her past is revealed, so too are twisted bonds to the Starguards.

Earth’s not-too-distant future is confronted by the sudden arrival of the Starguards. Fêted as heroes at first, distrusting governments and sinister forces soon turn the world against them. Against this back-drop, a long dormant war between the Exmoors, long-lived males allied to the Astrals and the Devouts, superpowered females who worship the Lore, heats up. And in the labs of a self-serving billionaire, aided by a mysterious female scientist, home-grown superheroes, the E-Corps (Fusioneer, Flaunt, Venture and Angelfire), are pressed into government service to combat the threat of errant supermen. Can the Starguards bring peace before all is lost?

The aftermath of the Earth-Axalan war and the explosive climax of the Starguards’ time on Earth intertwine as histories and time crossover. Heroes are flung through time and others through space, but Earth remains the central battlefield. Meanwhile, the shadowy crystalline-form Zater Jen enter the fray determined to destroy the Lore. And here at the end, are revealed the sinful Celestian Knights who did not die. Their defiance rips apart spacetime as myth becomes reality and the Gods themselves descend in battle. Humans, superheroes and Demi-gods face off in the ultimate battle against enemies never thought to have existed

The Starguards - Of Humans, Heroes, and Demi-gods: the epic chronicle of the heroic family line from the beginnings of time.